Sunday, October 21, 2012

As I walked that night

It was late Sunday night when I was walking home from Muntinlupa, just came from a band practice, and accompanied my girlfriend at their place. It was fun walking, that I decided to walk than to ride a tricycle, I really do loved doing this.

As I walk during that night, I feel so relaxed, as the music in my earphones plays, my mind was also playing, playing moments of my self with my girlfriend together, during the times when we used to hang out, going to place we don't usually gone, watching movies, deciding where to eat, crazy moments, corny moments, banatan moments, sweet moments and unplanned moments together.

I was like in a music video, walking in the corner of the street with the dim street light opened, watching cars and people that passes by, my hair was waving as the wind blows, I looked at the sky, the moon was so bright and it's a perfect time to reminisce the moments we had together. I missed her, so much, even though we just hanged out a couple of hours ago. I guess, this is what it's like to be, to fell in love so deeply, in one person, whom you want to keep forever, for the rest of your life.

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